WIRC Policies and Procedures
The WIRC staff is actively drafting and editing a Collections Management Policy handbook. We have created the WIRC KnowledgeBase (KB) to share the information contained in our handbook with a wider audience. A knowledge base is simply an organized and curated collection of information. In our case, the WIRC KB serves as a centralized repository of our collection policies, protocols, and procedures. It is a platform that allows us to easily create, categorize, and maintain such documents.
When appropriate, we will add direct links to our WIRC website for relevant documents in the WIRC KB. For example, we added a link for our specimen loan policy to the loan request form page.
Populating the WIRC KnowledgeBase with documents is an ongoing project. If you have suggestions for how we might prioritize that process, please let us know by contacting WIRC staff.